Saturday, September 17, 2011

A day for "to do" lists

Today was a day for "to do" lists.  You know the little things that don't take up too much time but are on a list to be completed.  Since this is a rest week for me Mark and I decided to sleep in a bit and than take the dogs on a long 2 mile'ish walk followed up by some yoga.  After that we were off to Alpine Village

to explore the market and reminisce about the old days when my mother had her dress shop there "Alpine Fashions"

along with all the other family friends that had stores there as well.  After all it's Oktoberfest and I've been seriously craving German food. It must be the rest week talking.  ;)  So, some weisswurst and wieners with German pickles and Alpine rye bread with Bavarian mustard in the basket and we're set for out own mini Oktoberfest at the house tonight.

 I'm so excited!! Then it was time to install the new trailer hitch for the VW Tiguan.  Very simple really to DIY about 20 min and vola!!

It took longer to find all the tools we needed than it was to install the little beauty. Now on to one of our final chores of the day....... Dog washing.

2 dogs to be exact and boy were they happy or what.  You can just see it on Sydney's face.

 However when your done it's time to run, run, run like a crazy dog and they become the happiest puppy's around. Now it's time to relax and watch some old DVR "Vuelta de Espania" and wait for yummy Oktoberfest dinner!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Aging Athlete

The other night I was invited to attend a talk about the "Aging Athlete". Since I'm creeping into my mid 40's I found this of interest. PC of Sub 5 cycling put this together and Dr. Rob Schott was the speaker and gracious host. Here is some of the information from the talk.

"Squaring the curve"
Most people (non active) decline when aging at a normal perceived rate. Gradually they decline until they die. However there is evidence that when people stay active they can defy the normal decline and "square the curve" of decline. As in staying in a steady state of health and then suddenly and rapidly decline when the body finally gives out. Thus "Squaring the Curve" by pushing the biologic limits of aging. For example: The best marathon time for age over 70 is 2:54 (age 74).

Body composition + aging = double whammy. After age 30 fit free mass decreases. Thus there is more fat integrated into muscle (Marbling). To help alleviate it is to strength train and stay active with cardio whether it is cycling or running. There is a increase of bone loss among cycling and running and strength training will help with that.

As we age fast twitch muscle fibers decrease and slow twitch muscle fiber increases. Sports performance declines after age 35. With the peak being 25-35 years of age. However that can be up for argument because: Read this and you will be amazed.

As we age our peak HR changes. To figure it out here is the equation: 220-age=Peak HR
Also...... Max HR - stroke volume = V02 max Note: Dehydration plays an affect on stroke volume within the cardiovascular system. Dehydration is the number one performance limiter. SO drink up people!!

So let's review:

  1. Stay active (cardio and strength train every muscle in your body)

  2. Strive to "square the curve" new mantra

  3. Eat a healthy diet

  4. Hydrate

  5. You can still beat the 35 year olds when you are 52!!!

Keep "sqare'n the curve" ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chicken- Sweet Potato Stir- Fry

Ran across this yummy dish from Runner's world (chuckle, chuckle.. get it?) and I'll be making it for us this weekend.

This little number will give you all the nutrients needed for recovery after a long run.


Here figy, figy

My baby fig tree is producing... Aren't they cute

Monday, September 12, 2011

Better late than never...

Sooo...... I did a little tri this past weekend.  First one since IMSG 2010.  Oh, my how log it's been.  I must preface this by saying that after IMSG I started getting my run on and maintaining my bike somewhat because I was working on a PR'ing a race in February 2011 (Surf City Marathon).  Since my running was going along great and I was feeling really strong and thought my goal was in sight.  Race day was fantastic until mile 10 where I tripped over one of those road reflector things cuz I wasn't paying attention when I was maneuvering around another runner in my way and down I went in spectacular fashion.  Popped back up like nothing happened and kept going blood and all.  By mile 16 knew something was not quite right and hobbled in and got cleaned up and went home.  Next day bam!!!  Ankle swollen,  heck it was a full blown CANKLE!! MRI and Doc says tendon tear so shut'er down. I had to wear a boot for like 3ish months and then finally in June got the OK to ride my bike.  Like any other abnormal athlete I rode my bike....... all the time.  Didn't start running again until July but only short runs like 5-6 miles at best once a week and just in the past month started running 2 times a week.  So now that gives a bit of history leading into this Oly tri this past weekend.

So, my GF talked my into racing the Tri rock Olympic in SD.  Well I have to say it was a disappointment to say the least.  First they shortened the bike course from 20 miles to 14.4 miles because they didn't plan that 9/11 was going to cause a heightened security on the navel base we were to ride on.  Duh???  9/11 and a military base?  They should have thought of that.  Ok, enough of that bitch session.  So let's get back to the race.  Knowing that this was a shortened course I decided to run naked.  No watch or anything.  Just have fun and see where my fitness level is.  Checking out the swim course it looked a bit long.  Longer than 1500m that's for sure.  But non the less i had planned to just put my head down and swim nice and easy and consistent.  Found out later my GF talked to the a couple really nice Coast Guards who set the swim course up and they set it a little over a mile because of a miscommunication. So, none the less we swam and swam and swam.

38 min swim was ok since I haven't been in the pool but a hand full of times in the past month.  I do have to say that I this race I dealt with dehydration a new one for me.  This was a first. I'm usually on my fluids all the time and I thought I was.  Got out of the water and bam..... calf cramp (charlie horse) putting on my bike shoe.  So, took a couple salt tabs and hopefully all will be well.  Legs came around mile 9 on the course and just kept spinning not pushing to hard (which you can tell because my pace was 17.9 mph) because I wasn't sure how this dehydration thing was gonna play on me later on the run.  Since this was a short race I wasn't worried just stay steady and have fun.  Which I did.  When I hit the run my calf cramped up again and I had to stop and stretch a couple times and finally it loosened up around the first mile and then I was able to just keep a 9:15ish pace.  I only know this because I found a guy who was running a pace that looked comfortable and asked what his pace was and we ran until mile 5 when I dropped him to bring it in. I had to walk every water stop a couple steps to dump water on my head and dump water sown my throat because I was soooo thirsty (dehydrated) and finally I just grabbed a full water bottle from the table and ran with it and it made a big difference.  My ankle got a little angry with me at the end so that just shows me that it still could be a factor.  However today the ankle feels great. Velodrome tonight so maybe I'm just over sensitive?  Not sure.  Ended a 10:23 pace on the run so with all the walking and stretching not bad  I guess.

                                                  Me-Sydney the dog and my GF Vanessa

As for the race itself...... 9:00 am swim start and finishing around 11:30 really sucks.  This race was poorly organized and I would think twice about paying $125 for it.  Just say'n. The best thing was racing with my GF and of course it's never a bad day in SD.  More pictures to follow... My Sherpa BF (gotta love him) has my camera back in LA.

I'm on the mend!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Funny way to celebrate Labor Day!!

My week @ work before Labor Day.

Started out with CT being down.  No big deal it should be up in a day.  So I bounced around and picked up doughnut from a local doughnut shop and droped off my car to get the windows tinted and helped out as much as possible. Tuesday, Wednesday much of the same.  Thought that we would be up Thursday and sadly…… NO.  Here is what it looks like…

Sooooo, It came up late Thursday and I scanned 6 patients and jump started my 4 day weekend!!  Most boring work week in years.

SF..... Fog and sunshine

Weekend in SF…..
Friday drive up to Foster City arrived around 10:30 am.  Dropped off Cooper at my Cuz’s house and then Sydney had a Grooming appointment at 11:30.  Made masters swim at the local YMCA @ noon

Swam with a great group of girls.  They asked if I could swim with them every Friday.  I had to let them know that I was only visiting however when I’m up here I’ll be sure to join them.  2600 yards done!!  Then off to pick up Cooper and take him to the doggie wash.  He bites others so that’s why no groomer for him.  Grumpy old man.  Pick up Syd and then my mom from the airport than off to SFSU to watch a play my son is the sound man for.  It was a parody of the Barber of Syville .  Interesting?  Yes.

Saturday my cuz and I did a little road ride.  37 miles and rolling.  My cuz is a tad out of shape and I hurt him a bit.   Sorry cuz. ;)  It started out cold...

Then it warmed right up and we had a great ride Canada road /Portola valley loop/ by Stanford and back.  Almost 16mph avg (slow noodle ride for sure and I didn't want to hurt my cuz).   ;)

By the end of our ride it was sunny and warm.  Loads of fun on roads less traveled by me on the bike. Here are some more picks from the ride.

Sunday’s run was 7 miles and than it was time for a quick breakfast and then hit the road back to SD.  Fun times in SF as usual with many more fun weekends to come.  Can’t wait till Thanksgiving week up there.  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Half Ironman in my future

Sooo... after dragging my feet. Plus running into my best GF and sharing a lane with her at the pool today I signed up for Oceanside half. I was secretly hoping inside that this race was sold out but low and behold it was open soooo...... Here I go.
Major Event Partners
  • Power Bar
  • Power Bar

About the event

Athletes will enjoy the calm waters of the 1.2-mile swim course in Oceanside Harbor, the tough one-loop, 56-mile bike course that includes the coastal beauty of San Clemente State Park and the challenging inland hills of Camp Pendleton 13.1-mile run through the coastal neighborhoods of Oceanside.

Ironman Worldwide

Connect to triathletes at Ironman events