Monday, June 7, 2010

Re cap of the weekend

Well it's been a few days and I have lots to wright about. So, lets start with Friday. I had the day off actually I have every other Friday off. I started off with a great 5 mile run with the girls and than off to the pool. I was done with my workouts by 10 am! Great!! Now I have the rest of the day to enjoy. Mark and I went to Hodads in OB for burgers. BTW I only eat that stuff like once a year. So, as you can imagine it's quite a treat. Got home and did usual housework ( i really with I could afford a maid). My girlfriend who was doing the Rock and Roll marathon invited me to go with her to the expo and so I tagged along. It was great!! I picked up my new Zoot Compression socks and had my picture taken with Michellie Jones which is up on FB and picked up a ton of free stuff. We had a blast it was one of the bigger expos I've been to.

Saturday was a run of 10 miles at 5:30 am (ouch) with my new compression tights. The compression tights performed very well. At first my calves didn't know what to think about them. They were a bit crampy and than after mile 4 or so they started to feel great. I opted for a smaller size because when they measured me and I put on the size 3 they didn't feel that compressed at all and since it was the end of the day and I always have swelling of the legs I went a smaller size. They seem fine. and they seem like that they may be a bit tight but that is where the compression comes in right??? I even wore them to the doggie obedience class later that morning with Sydney at 8am. Later at 10:30 I had rode up to Pachanga with Mark for a work thing. It was only supposed to be for a few hours but turned into allot longer. We were also up to see some friends of ours and hang out for a BBQ and wine. We had a great time but we got home a bit late 10pm. So that made it tough to get up early for a bike ride. But it went OK.

Sunday I rode with some girls and boys ( Julie, Shannon, Beth, Katya, John, James) I haven't rode with before and they were much stronger riders than me and I was a bit nervous. So at the start of the ride I through in the disclaimer that if I get drooped don't worry about me I'll be fine and that I was ending my route a bit different than they were anyways. So, by mile 30 is when I got dropped and I said to "John", this is were I dangle off the back. I feel like I'm getting stronger but still need time on the bike more and more!!! It's all good. The rest of the ride was great 63 miles 4 hrs. and I finished up well. got home. Shower, compression tights, food, nap, wash 2 dogs and dinner and movie with Mark.

What a great weekend.

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