Friday, September 9, 2011

SF..... Fog and sunshine

Weekend in SF…..
Friday drive up to Foster City arrived around 10:30 am.  Dropped off Cooper at my Cuz’s house and then Sydney had a Grooming appointment at 11:30.  Made masters swim at the local YMCA @ noon

Swam with a great group of girls.  They asked if I could swim with them every Friday.  I had to let them know that I was only visiting however when I’m up here I’ll be sure to join them.  2600 yards done!!  Then off to pick up Cooper and take him to the doggie wash.  He bites others so that’s why no groomer for him.  Grumpy old man.  Pick up Syd and then my mom from the airport than off to SFSU to watch a play my son is the sound man for.  It was a parody of the Barber of Syville .  Interesting?  Yes.

Saturday my cuz and I did a little road ride.  37 miles and rolling.  My cuz is a tad out of shape and I hurt him a bit.   Sorry cuz. ;)  It started out cold...

Then it warmed right up and we had a great ride Canada road /Portola valley loop/ by Stanford and back.  Almost 16mph avg (slow noodle ride for sure and I didn't want to hurt my cuz).   ;)

By the end of our ride it was sunny and warm.  Loads of fun on roads less traveled by me on the bike. Here are some more picks from the ride.

Sunday’s run was 7 miles and than it was time for a quick breakfast and then hit the road back to SD.  Fun times in SF as usual with many more fun weekends to come.  Can’t wait till Thanksgiving week up there.  

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